The Purity Medal
The Purity Medal
Sacramentally Carry: We sacramentally carry the purity medal as a “yes” of personal acceptance acknowledging Mary as our Mother. Man continually asks God for signs. God also asks for signs. Carry so as to pray God grants the miracle the world needs most; the proclamation of the fifth Marian dogma!
Faithfully Offer: We are taking up a collection of silver so as to pray in the same “excellent and noble way.” Judas Maccabees prayed for those who had died in battle and were found to have been worshiping false idols. (2 Maccabees 12:43). The silver given as alms, will be subsequently melted and struck into purity medals so as to circulate as a sacramental or stored for our digital exchange.
To learn more or to purchase a purity medal to carry or offer, please visit our website at
Digitally Exchange: The Dominic Medal Exchange (DME) is a new, just and equitable monetary exchange which seeks to protect the most vulnerable from a very sophisticated and usurious financial system. To learn more please visit our website at
We take principles taught by the Church, Popes, Saints, and examples of religious orders (see video), as well as consider all that our patriotic forefathers have foundationally laid in our State and Federal constitutions to offer the same basic silver unit of account adopted into law by Congress (Liberty Coin Act – July 9, 1985). Our hope and prayer is to evangelize the Church and its families of the role of the Mother in this time, while offering a viable solution to one of the many modern problems.