PHOTO GALLERY: Local Lay Fraternity

St. Albert the Great Province Members Visit

On May 15, 2024, members of the St. Albert the Great province visited “The Women Clothed With the Sun” chapter in Evansville, IN.  Fr. Andrew Carl Wisdom, Novice Master, along with eight novices, all from Denver, Colorado, celebrated Holy Mass in the Upper Room on their tour of the province.

At our monthly Lay Dominican meeting held on Saturday, April 6, 2024, 


shared with us how his political vocation is guided by his Catholic faith.

2nd Sunday Mass at Sts. Mary & John Catholic Church

On Sunday, March 10, 2024 , the Evansville Chapter of the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic, “The Woman Clothed With the Sun”, celebrated our regularly scheduled ‘2nd Sunday Mass’ at Sts. Mary & John Catholic Church in downtown Evansville, IN. 

Pictured is Celebrant and Prior of ‘Mary Mediatrix’ Priestly Fraternity, Fr. Jim Koressel, along with Deacon Tom Kempf, OP, and Mr. Tim Martin, OP, as our server.

This was the first occasion of holding our ‘2nd Sunday Mass’, which was open to the pubic, at a diocesan church.

On January 6, 2024, Evansville Chapter of the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic, “The Woman Clothed With the Sun”, celebrated the Rite of Reception of eight new members into the Novitiate stage. 

FRONT ROW; L-R: Thomas Anslinger, Brenda Anslinger, Kim Spinks, Mary Winnecke, and Bob Winnecke.

SECOND ROW: Christi Edwards, Lee Ann Kipta, and Glenn Goebel.

Also pictured (BACK ROW): Mr. Tim Martin, OP; Fr. Jim Koressel, OP; Deacon Tom Kempf, OP and Mr. Rusty Reising, OP.

ABOVE: Fr. Dilger with Fr. Jim Koressel, celebrant, and Deacon Bob Martin.

LEFT: Fr. Donald Dilger, guest homilist, joined us for Sunday Mass on September 10, 2023 (Homily in above link begins @ 43:15)

ABOVE: Fr. Dilger with Deacon Bob Martin during the Holy Mass


RIGHT: Following the August 13th profession, the fourteen fully-professed members of the Evansville Chapter, “The Woman Clothed With The Sun”, posed for a picture. In addition, several members of the “Mary Mediatrix” Chapter, were also present.

FRONT ROW; L-R: Mr. Ed Botzum, OP; Mrs. Annlee Botzum, OP; Mr. John Schaefer, OP; Mrs. Melissa Schaefer, OP; Mrs. Mary Jo Rexing, OP; Mrs. Jennifer Rogge, OP and Mrs. Jessica Goebel, OP

BACK ROW; L-R: Deacon Tom Kempf, OP; Mr. Casey Burton, OP; Mrs. Leah Haley, OP; Mr. Kent Haley, OP; Fr. Jim Koressel, OP; Deacon Bob Martin, OP; Mr. Tim Martin, OP; Mrs. Barbara Martin, OP; Mr. Larry Lutz, OP and Mrs. Ruth Lutz, OP.

LEFT: On August 13, 2023, the Evansville Chapter of the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic, “The Woman Clothed With The Sun”, welcomed seven newly-professed members. After discernment and having completed five years of formation, they professed their perpetual promise to live according to the Rule of the Fraternities of Saint Dominic for life.

Newly-professed are pictured in their large scapulars (FRONT ROW; L-R): Mr. Ed Botzum, OP; Mrs. Annlee Botzum, OP; Mr. John Schaefer, OP; Mrs. Melissa Schaefer, OP; Mrs. Mary Jo Rexing, OP; Mrs. Jennifer Rogge, OP and Mrs. Jessica Goebel, OP.

Also pictured: Deacon Tom Kempf, OP; Mr. Casey Burton, OP; Mr. Tim Martin, OP; Fr. Jim Koressel, OP and Deacon Bob Martin, OP.


PHOTO CREDIT: Kate Durchholz Photo


Front Row (seated): Karla Solis, Deanna Goossens, Charlene Scheller, Vernon Dilger, Donna Dilger, Shirley Kempf, and Harold Kempf

Second Row: Lori Cassidy, Laura Keele, Sarah Adams, Anne Martin, Tim Rudolphi, Linda Bilderback, Steve Bilderback, and Andrew Wedge

Top Row: Nick Dewig, Carol Reising, Dr. Peter Rosario, Christina Rosario, Deacon Tom Kempf, OP, Bruce Jackson, Fr. Jim Koressel, OP, Deacon Bob Martin, OP, John Sasse, Br. John Steilberg, OP, Mr. Tim Martin, OP, Steve Cassidy, and Adam Martin

NOT PICTURED: Diane Lamey, Marlene Fetter, and Debbie Rietman

The Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic Chapter, “The Woman Clothed With the Sun”, welcomed 26 new members into its local Evansville fraternity on April 29th, 2023. The Rite of Reception was celebrated on the Feast of St. Catherine of Siena, also a Third Order Dominican.         

Brother John Steilberg, OP, Executive Director of Operations and Institutional Effectiveness at Aquinas Institute, was in attendance to welcome the newest novitiates.


Blessing the Dominican Scapulars prior to installation of the new members: Celebrant Fr. Jim Koressel, OP, assisted by Deacon Tom Kempf, OP



New members receiving their Dominican Scapular



New members signing the Book of Admissions into the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic

If you have questions or would like more information please let us know!