Purity Medal on Blue
Dominic Medals

Dominic Medals is an apostolate of the Servants of the Redemptor, and as members of the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic, we are working for the propagation and fulfillment of the fifth Marian Dogma through the carrying of the Purity Medal. To learn more or purchase a Purity Medal, please visit DominicMedals.com.

Order of Penance of St. Dominic

Do you want to perform spiritual and corporal works of mercy for the salvation of souls? Join us in contemplating the life of Christ through the daily recitation of the Rosary. Celebrate the first week of each month in honor of the Holy Family. Join together for Mass and prayers to strengthen our community and build the kingdom of God.

April 14, 2024: Fr. Gregory Pine, OP, concelebrates at our 2nd Sunday Mass at        Sts. Mary & John Catholic Church.

2nd Sunday Mass at Sts. Mary & John Catholic Church

On the 2nd Sunday of each month, the Evansville Chapter of the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic, “The Woman Clothed With the Sun”, will celebrate our regularly scheduled ‘2nd Sunday Mass’ at 8:00 AM (CST) at Sts. Mary & John Catholic Church, located at 613 Cherry Street in downtown Evansville, IN.

Rosary begins @ 7:30; Confessions @ 7:30-7:50

This Mass is open to the public.

LiveStream Broadcast

LiveStream our Devotional & Rosary Services, Masses, and other Scheduled Events

Services are held in the Upper Room, which is our Dominican Private Oratory, located in Evansville, Indiana. We livestream each of our services and scheduled events. Our ‘LiveStream Broadcast’ can be viewed by clicking this button  →  →

Past LiveStream Videos

View past LiveStream videos of our Devotional & Rosary Services, Masses, and other Scheduled Events

Our ‘Past LiveStream Videos’ can be found on YouTube by clicking this button  →  →